Cellulite is the accumulation of subcutaneous fat within the fibrous connective tissue that occurs locally with wrinkles and nodules on the skin.
The parts of the body where cellulite most often appears are the thighs, both on the outer and inner surface, the buttocks, the knees, the abdomen and the arms.
What is CelluErase Treatment?
One of the most powerful and effective treatments is CelluErase with results from the first session. This method aims to treat and repair fibrotic skin lesions. CelluErase is a minimally invasive procedure where a special micro blade is used for the separation of the fibrous connective tissue strips, allowing the skin to ``regenerate``.
How many sessions are needed?
The results are impressive from the first session. Usually no repetitions are required although this depends on the case.
A slight swelling is visible for some days after treatment.
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